高雄出生,台大歷史系畢、雙修傳播。逾十年藝文媒體文字廣告工作經驗,後前往英國倫敦電影學院(The London Film School)修習電影製作碩士。個人創作題材專注於性別賦權、原生家族、心理探索等議題。合作對象包括TaiwanPlus、文化內容策進院、台北市電影委員會、中華電信、Avex艾迴音樂、火氣音樂、婦女新知基金會、荷蘭海牙市立美術館、比利時皇家美術館、荷蘭全國工會聯合會、倫敦The Barbican藝術中心、倫敦Art Represent藝廊等。
2023年由文策院獲選代表台灣,前往韓國富川國際奇幻影展參與 Goedam Residency 亞洲人才駐村計畫,以及釜山國際影展新銳影人交流單元 Platform BUSAN。個人首支編導劇情長片《療癒戀息曲》於2021年進入前期開發製作;長片企劃作品《剩女婚前偵探社》入圍第58屆金馬創投會議,獲文策院前期補助開發,參與文策院「劇本提升計畫」並進階至最後第四階段、由韓國知名編劇裴世英(作品包含《雞不可失》、《親密陌生人》等)進行一對一指導。
過往影像作品包括劇情短片《冥王星圖》,由金馬獎影后謝盈萱與香港金像獎影帝張嘉年(太保)出演男女主角,知名星座專家唐綺陽擔任旁白。獲英國獨立電影節(British Independent Film Festival)及荷蘭阿姆斯特丹電影節(Amsterdam Film Festival)最佳學生影片、德國紅點設計(Red Dot Design Award)最佳短片獎、MOD微電影金片子創作大賽百萬首獎。入圍高雄電影節國際短片競賽,並由奧斯卡認證的美國特蘭大影展(Atlanta Film Festival)從7000多部短片中與6位女性導演規劃在New Mavericks單元。
Yen-Ju Lee is a Taiwan-based writer and filmmaker whose work is deeply rooted in psychology, feminist cinema, and a passionate commitment to amplifying the voices of underrepresented groups in East Asia. Her storytelling often delves into themes of generational and personal trauma, exploring paths to healing in contemporary society.
With degrees in History and Media Management, Yen-Ju began her career as a journalist, contributing to publications such as GQ Magazine, Fa Magazine, United Daily News, Initium Media, and HK 01. In 2013, she pursued an MA at The London Film School. Her short film To Pluto, starring Golden Horse Award winner Ying-Xuan Hsieh and Hong Kong Film Awards winner Chia-Nien Chang (Tai-Bo), won Best Student Film at the British Independent Film Festival, Best Short Film at the Red Dot Design Award, and Best Picture in the MOD Golden Short Film Competition. It was also selected by the Oscar-qualifying Atlanta Film Festival as part of the New Mavericks program, which spotlighted seven female directors out of 7,000 submissions.
In 2023, Yen-Ju was chosen by the Taiwan Creative Content Agency (TAICCA) to represent Taiwan at the Goedam Campus Residency Program and PlatformBUSAN, hosted by the Bucheon International Fantastic Film Festival and Busan International Film Festival.
Her feature film project, Leftover Women Detectives, was shortlisted for the 58th Golden Horse Film Project Promotion and received pre-production development funding from TAICCA. It also advanced to the final stage of TAICCA’s Script Enhancement Program, where she received one-on-one guidance from renowned South Korean screenwriter Bae Se-Young, known for Extreme Job and Intimate Strangers.
Currently, Yen-Ju has expanded her focus to projects in the commercial, cultural, and fashion sectors. Her portfolio of clients includes TaiwanPlus, Taiwan Public Television Service, Taipei Film Commission, Kunstmuseum Den Haag, The Barbican Centre, and Avex Music, among others.
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